Professional firearm safety instruction

CARRY312 is a professional firearm instruction facility that specializes in pistol safety and meeting concealed carry training requirements.


Jude Gonzales is the Lead Instructor and Owner of Carry312. He is an NRA Certified Instructor as well as a Certified Concealed Carry Instructor with the Illinois State Police. He is also a Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoach and owns Motorcycle Riding's Cool in Chicago

Jude approaches the creation of his company and it’s mission from a harm reduction perspective. It grew out of a need from friends who felt they needed to consider a firearm for protection. These friends were members of vulnerable communities; people of color, women and those in the LGBTQIA+ community who felt they would not be welcome in traditional firearm training venues. Rather than see friends simply acquire a firearm, he created a company to provide a training opportunity welcoming all and training without furthering any political agenda.

Jude has over 20 years of professional experience and expertise in human behavior and mental health. This unique perspective is invaluable for training those seeking greater self-awareness for self defense.